From The Cherry Tree Ltd
Custom Made for you!
Creative cabinetry is our business based in Ottawa, Ontario Canada since 1995. As company president, I personally guarantee the quality and craftsmanship of everything created. From the Cherry Tree Ltd uses the finest selection in available woods, for the best possible results. Detail and care is always on the agenda when building. So browse through and if you have any comments, questions or wish to place an order, just contact me.
Sincerely yours,
Gaëtan Delorme
From the Cherry Tree Ltd
Solid Cherry Bookcase!
I was commissioned to design and build a solid black cherry bookcase, with inlay front and sides.
Two adjustable shelves made of solid cherry supported with stainless steel sleeves and shelve supports.
Two adjustable shelves made of solid cherry supported with stainless steel sleeves and shelve supports.
Portable worktable!
This light-weight portable worktable is made of torrefied poplar. It has a large working area and can be ordered to your desired height. The 3/4" plateau is 18"x 26" and the total height is 24".
You may order your personalized table to your specs and needs. Wood species of your choice and design are needed.
You may order your personalized table to your specs and needs. Wood species of your choice and design are needed.
THe Sanctuary!
Some custom work done in the past!
Our latest creation, made of solid black Walnut. Features eleven stain glass windows and one round window at the front thats accessible from the interior, will accommodate a 3 x 3 photo of the loved one!
Contact us for more information for a custom built cremation urns, companion urns and keepsake urns!
Sizes, shapes and wood species of your choice are always Welcome!
From the Cherry Tree Ltd
[email protected]
Gaetan Delorme
Contact us for more information for a custom built cremation urns, companion urns and keepsake urns!
Sizes, shapes and wood species of your choice are always Welcome!
From the Cherry Tree Ltd
[email protected]
Gaetan Delorme

Visit Le Maridor with this link .... https://delormehumidors.com/product/le-maridor/